I love this show! Life premieres on Starworld (Channel 711 Astro Malaysia) about a month ago. At first, I was quite skeptical. It looks like another cop-versus-criminal show, *yawn*. But I gave it a shot, sitting in front of the TV when its 1st episode aired and expecting myself to go to sleep halfway through the show. Boy I was wrong. This show is AWESOME!!!
Every week shows a different case, kind of the same with other cop series, but the similarity ends there. Throughout the show there are also flashbacks on events and interviews regarding the main character murder case. While investigating the cases, at the same time he is also investigating his OWN murder case that had put him in jail for several years.
The two main characters are Charlie Crews (played by Damian Lewis) and Dani Reese (played by Sarah Shahi). The actor and actress played their characters really well. Oh, and Sarah Shahi looks cute too. ;-P
Life airs every Tuesday on 9 p.m. Yes, it was last night. But don't worry, they got repeats on Saturday...or maybe Sunday...or maybe both days. Sorry guys, I don't quite remember. Better check the TV guide okay.
Thanks to NBC and Wikipedia for the pics.
Happy Labour Day in advance to all you guys! Have a great holiday. This is the last post for this week. See you again next week.
P/s : Iron Man out in cinemas today! Grab your armor and run to the movies now!