I'm back. Here's my review of TARA3 episode 9.
I know I'm more than a week late but bare with me...please!!!
I watched this episode with mixed feelings. We go into that later. First, let's find out what the teams did for this leg of the race.
Teams started off in Cochin, India. Then they must made their way to a local cricket stadium in Pune, west India for their next task. All teams made it on the same flight, then rushed for taxi when they arrived.
Their first task was to play a game of cricket. Teams must play against the local team and strike the boundary by hitting the board painted in race colors with the cricket ball. If teams failed to do so after 36 balls, they will face a 10 minute time penalty before they can have their next clue.

Then, teams must use the maps on the Nokia Navigator 6210 and use the directions to guide their auto rickshaw driver to the next destination, Shaniwar Wada. There, teams were faced with a Roadblock. In this Roadblock, one team member must search through a field of 50 men wearing a pheta, and locate the right pheta with the word "Correct" written inside.
After finding the right man with a "Correct" pheta, teams headed to the Sony World Showroom at Equity Tower for their next task, which was to convince someone to tell a joke and record it on a Sony Handycam. A group of judges will determine if the joke is funny enough before rewarding them with the next clue.

Next, Detour. In this Detour, teams must choose between Push and Crush. In Push, teams must load a cart with 75 pots and deliver at least 70 of them (without breaking them) to a market stall about 1km away. While in Crush, teams must crush enough sugarcane using a sugarcane juice cart (very ancient machine if u ask me) to fill 40 glasses and then sell the drinks and earn at least 200 rupees. All teams picked Crush while only Ida & Tania picked Push. Tough girls!

Then came the interesting part, U-Turn. If a team U-turned another team, the latter will have to complete the other Detour task before they can proceed. Geoff & Tisha once again in the spirit of playing the game had u-turned A.D & Fuzzie who were not far behind them. Before that, Sam wanted to u-turned Ida & Tania but Vince convinced him that they were already ahead of the other teams, so there was no need to use it (thank u and love u Vince!). Then, Ida & Tania wanted to u-turned Geoff & Tisha but they didn't bring the racers' pics so they just had to pass the opportunity.

Teams then headed for the pit stop at Gokhale Institute. Sam & Vince were 1st to arrive followed by Ida & Tania and Geoff & Tisha. As expected, after having to do both of the Detour tasks, A.D & Fuzzie arrived last at the pit stop. Luckily, they weren't eliminated because it was a pre-determined non-elimination leg. But they must come in first in the next leg or face with a 30 minute time penalty.

I feel bad for A.D & Fuzzie, they were already tired from the sugarcane task and they had to do the other task too. Pity. At first I was angry at Geoff & Tisha because they saw that A.D & Fuzzie were already sore from the task but they still u-turned them. But on 2nd thought, I can't blamed them coz it's part of the game. Besides, A.D & Fuzzie would probably do the same to Geoff & Tisha if they arrived at the U-Turn station 1st. But if I was in this race, I don't think I have the heart to yield or u-turn anyone, I would feel so bad and guilty. I know it's there to be used for our advantage but I don't think I can! I rather be competitive in completing the task than using the Yield or U-Turn options.
But still, I'm proud of A.D and Fuzzie for completing both tasks and not giving up eventhough they almost did. Great job girls!!!