Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Nadine & Yani are out from TARA 4

Yes, the lovable and dramatic duo Nadine & Yani is the 1st team to be eliminated from The Amazing Race Asia season 4. I was kind of sad to see them leave as they add quite a drama to the season. They work well together, unfortunately not well enough to avoid elimination.

I was beginning to warm up to the teams for this season after watching episode 2, and to be frank, they are all very entertaining. All of them have their own strengths and weaknesses. The Malaysian teams (Ivan/Hilda and Ethan/Khairie) did pretty well thus far and the Singaporean girls (Claire/Michelle) and the Indian teams (Dimple/Sunaina and Manas/Sahil) were pretty good too. But the team to watch this season, in my opinion, is the Philippines boys (Rich/Rich). They argue a bit here and there, they got lost easily, but they still manage to come in 2nd place for both 1st and 2nd leg of the race. If they keep up the momentum, they could win the race.

I do have a bit of a problem though about this season of TARA, I can't remember the contestant's names! I have to search the internet every time I want to type their names. The only teams that I remember are Ivan/Hilda and Rich/Rich (the latter team is easy right?). I don't think I have much of a problem in last season. Either their names are hard to remember or I am getting old. I'm not that old right? Right?

Anyways, it's a great season so far and hopefully things will get more and more exciting.

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