Sabtu, 23 Februari 2008

The votes are in

American Idol season 7 had started the elimination round this week and 2 boys and 2 girls are already out. They are Garrett Haley and Colton Berry from the boys group, and Amy Davis and Joanne Borgella from the girls group.
This year the competition is tough. I do have some crushes on some of the contestants (because of their talents by the way, not just their looks) but since I cannot vote, there's no point in getting my hopes up.
I really hope that the Americans choose their Idol wisely.
Watch them perform on Starworld (Channel 711, Astro Malaysia) or 8tv.
For more Idol news, go to the link below.

p/s: I really miss Josiah Leming who got eliminated in Hollywood week. Seeing him
leave (and cry) really breaks my heart. :'-(

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