This Chris Brown and Rihanna fiasco has my head spinning because as of right now, everything that has been reported is “he say, she say”. Every media outlet is reporting what they’ve heard from sources (but who are these sources???) and Rihanna nor Chris Brown’s team have released statements on what really happened. As a matter of fact, I’m sure the two teams are working together to come up with a story that matches. Unfortunately, for Chris Brown, the longer he stays silent, the more time the media has to paint him as a criminal that’s dangerous to society. I’ve read over 50 sites that have used words like “woman beater”, “temper” and “monster” to describe Chris while using words like “poor girl”, “princess” and “victim” in their descriptions of Rihanna. After my last blog, I have to make it clear that I am not taking sides, I just feel that this story is very one sided and I put most of the blame on Chris’s team at this point for keeping quiet (under legal counsel of course).
Here are the updates for everyone that has emailed me about new developments. This is SUPER LONG because I’m recapping everything that has happened! Remember, this is all hearsay and rumors. NO PHOTOS have been released or official statements from any of their camps. Also I find it odd that Chris Brown’s mugshut has not been released YET.
Latest Updates Below:
TMZ reports that their law enforcement sources claim that Rihanna’s injuries are “horrific”. They report that their are contusions on both sides of her face (that resemble devil horns) and serious swelling and bruising. Her nose was bloody and lip was split. She also received bite marks on one of her arms and one of her fingers. Although they reported earlier that a deadly weapon was used (which they retracted later), They are saying that Chris Brown “alledgedly” punched her with his fist. They say the photos alone are devastating proof of abuse. (So where are the photos? Lisa Raye’s abuse photos were up on Essence.com the next day. I’m kidding…but no not really…seriously!!!)
Now I’m about to show you how the story gets very twisted
According to Janet Carlton, the photos will be released by police any minute now, however her description of Rihanna’s injuries are different. According to her sources, Rihanna had two black eyes and broken teeth. She goes on to say that they were driving in the Hancock Park section of LA in Chris’s rented Lamborghini when the arguing esculated and they pulled over. Rihanna supposedly found numbers in Chris’s phone, grabbed his car keys and tossed them out the window. He then snapped and beat her butt. She goes on to say that this has happened before…
Still following?…..

According to Sources who hit up Illseed over at All Hip Hop Rumors
Chris Brown broke up with Rihanna two weeks ago. Their publicity teams forced them to act like they were together for the Grammy festivities even though Chris did not want to. They attended the Clive Davis event together and he was asked to drive her in his car to and from the event until the paparazzi were done taking photos.
Rihanna, in denial that the relationship was over, continued to act “lovey dovey” with Chris although he was completely “over it”. Chris “supposedly” picked up a girl (who just happened to be Keisha Chante ) and the girl “supposedly” was in the car with the two when the argument started. Rihanna supposedly snapped and punched Chris in the face while screaming and he eventually started to hit her back. The girl in the car (alledgely Keisha Chante) was the one who called 911 after seeing blood shed. The source goes on to say that Chris Brown is inVegas and their teams are prepping this Keisha chick so that her story matches Chris and Rihanna’s. If she testifies that Rihanna was injured, Chris could get 12 years but if she testifies that Rihanna made the first punch, the story could be spun in court and Chris could get off on all charges.
(Note: Part of this story could be true but the Keisha Chante parts are so random. … Keisha Chante is the canadian singer who was picked to star in the Aaliyah Biopic). Also, in the story they say Chris is in Vegas but Hip Hollywood reports that he has flown back to the East Coast.
Still following?….
According to a Radar Online source that was at the hospital that night when they wheeled Rihanna in:
“It was impossible to know it was her at first because when they wheeled her past me, she had the hood on her fuchsia-colored sweatshirt tightly drawn round her face and she was wearing big brown sunglasses. They took her into room 14 which was opposite me. I knew the person was famous because of all the attention she was being given by security and medical staff. However I was finally able to make out that the woman they had brought in was Rihanna. She was lying in bed. While the two police officers waited outside, Rihanna was seen by the doctor. Rihanna was clearly very upset by what had happened and I could hear her screaming. Rihanna was trying to get her point across about something, she sounded like she was crying as she tried to get to put her point across. Her staff was also very shaken by what had happened. Later on I saw one of the assistants crying into the shoulder of the security guard.
Rewind back to Friday…the first time Chris and Rihanna were seen together in about a week
The two attended Timberland’s party sponsored by Verizon and Blackberry. I posted photos from the event of Rihanna posing with Kanye West and Chris Brown taking photos with Keri Hilson, Omarion, D Woods and a host of others but there weren’t any of the two together. Ultimate-Rihanna posted these two photos of the two together at that event.
According to a Life & Style Magazine & Eye Witness News source:
“I saw Chris Brown and Rihanna fighting at the Verizon party on Friday night. They were in this room and they were just screaming at each other, totally cussing each other out. “They were right in each other’s face. It was scary. They were surrounded by all these execs and they were all just ignoring it, as if it was something they saw every day. It was so shocking.”
Later that night they were spotted by Hollywood TV , leaving in Chris Brown’s Lambo.
Later that night, they attended Clive Davis’s pre grammy party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. According to a NecoleBitchie.com reader:
I was at the Pre Grammy event. They pulled up and you could tell something went down on the car ride. Homeboy got out and slammed the door on her as she was prepping to exit, walks into the venue fuming, and does the red carpet without her. She comes in and is in a pissy mood too. somebody joked around about Ike and Tina, not knowing how true that would be a few hours later. They’re too young for all this

Fly Style Life has photo's of Rihanna looking upset as they leave the Pre Grammy Party So within the next hour, the altercation took place and Chris eventually left the scene (I’m guessing he took off on foot??? Details are sketchy). The cops gave him 24 hours to turn himself in, which he did the next day. He was released on $50,000 bail.

Later that day, Wrigleys announced they were suspending all ads of Chris Brown as their spokesperson until further notice. (however I’ve seen one or two since then. hmmmm). Rihanna postponed a Malaysian show that was supposed to take place later this week and her label canceled plans for Rihanna’s 21st birthday party which was to take place in New York city on the 20th of this month. They are saying that she will fly back to Barbados to be with family as they want her as far away from Chris as possible.
Chris Brown has canceled all of his NBA All Star appearances/performances that were supposed to take place this weekend

Last night a guy driving a Bentley led police on a slow speed chase in LA and news outlets were alluding to their viewers that it could be Chris, stating it may be a “celebrity or superstar singer who had just been accused of assaulting his girlfriend”. The guy (who eventually shot himself) was not Chris Brown. (it was not DJ Khaled either) Condolences to this poor man’s family and friends…
I didn’t bother to add in the “Rihanna gave Chris Brown herpes” rumor because it sounds made up and I believe it to be false. The main question I have is that, their bodyguards and publicists were more than likely following their vehicle the night after the party. In the photo of Chris Brown pumping gas, there are other people there with them. Where were these people when the fight took place??? Something’s not adding up
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