Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

Happening Vs Hulk

Phew...finally I have some free time to post something.

So this weekend we will see which one of these movies, The Happening and The Incredible Hulk, that will top the box-office chart. I think it will be a close match since both of the movies seem interesting with rave promotional all over the world. People will get confuse on which one they would want to watch. I know I want to watch both of them.

The trailer for Hulk have been on Malaysian TV for quite some time now (I think), and trailer for Happening just recently been heavily promoted on TV. Both movies seem to draw a lot of attention but I think people in Asia (and Malaysia to be specific) are more curious about Happening. Well, M. Night Shyamalan's movies always draw attention here. So my guess is Happening will top the box-office chart here in Malaysia. Not so sure about US box-office though.

With all the Hollywood movies, I hope we are not forgetting our local movies and also those from the region. Missing, starring Angelica Lee Sinje (yes, the Malaysian-born actress from the original The Eyes movie) will also open in cinemas this weekend, as well as the Tamil movie, Dasavatharam. Apa Kata Hati, the malay local movie directed by Saw Teong Hin, is still playing in the cinemas.

I have here the trailer for The Incredible Hulk (sorry, no The Happening trailer). I hope you guys enjoy it.

Thanx Yahoo! and Cinemablend for the movie posters.

Have a nice weekend. I'm going to the beach. Haha! Enjoy the clip!!!

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