Finally, I had finished reading YuYu Hakusho Vol. 5.
If in Vol. 4, we see Kurama Vs Genbu, the rock-like creature, then in this volume we get to see the battles of the rest of the team members.
First to fight was Kuwabara. His opponent is Byakko, a devil resembles a giant tiger. It sure hard for Kuwabara to defeat him. Next, Hiei Vs Seiryu. This is the shortest battle in this volume, proving that you don't mess with Hiei. The last battle would be Yuusuke Vs Suzaku, the evil leader. He was a snake, sending his evil army to kill Keiko and broadcast the events to crush Yuusuke's spirit. Dirty play. However, Yuusuke being the hero (and so cannot be killed easily) defeated him although with much struggle and nearly killed.
Ah...now I can't wait for the Dark Tournament to start. I've already bought Vol. 6 and Vol. 7. Now, if only I can find some strength to finish reading them.
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