I'm happy, ecstatic, impressed, sad and shocked, all at the same time. Wanna know why? Continue on reading.
Last night episode of TARA 3 was such a roller-coaster ride. First off, teams were faced with Roadblock where one member from each team was required to do a bungee jump off Macau Tower. Scary! Geoff & Tisha who were the 1st to complete the task (with Tisha doing the high jump - she looks cute when she was scared) were given an exclusive helicopter ride from Macau to Hong Kong. Lucky them. While the rest of the teams had no choice but to travel by ferry to get back to Hong Kong.

Then they headed to the MASkargo warehouse for their next task, which was to find a box containing their names. In that box were letters for them from home. This scene was quite touching as the racers read aloud the letters sent by their relatives.
Teams then headed to Cochin, India. Wrong choice of flight left Henry & Bernie and Sam & Vince far behind the other teams. Geoff & Tisha who arrived way early than the rest had the chance to relax at a hotel before headed to a temple (that will only open at 6 a.m.) for their next clue.

After they had a good luck blessing at the temple, they headed to Kumbalam for a bizarre task, wash an elephant using dry coconut shells! Ida & Tania who arrived there 1st were lucky because their elephant submerged into the water and basically washed most of the mud and dirt away. They have been very lucky lately.
Next, a Detour. This time, teams must pick between Fish and Fill. In Fish, teams must deliver 6 fishes, each weighing 20kg, to a seafood restaurant. In Fill, teams have to use coloured rice powder to completely fill an intricate geometric column design drawn on the floor. Geoff & Tisha and Sam & Vince chose Fish while the rest of the teams chose Fill. After that, it was a race to the pit stop which was at the Bolgatty Palace.

Ida & Tania who were hoping to reach 1st at the pit stop were disappointed to find out that they were only 2nd to arrive behind Geoff & Tisha. Because of that, they were given 30-minute time penalty (they were last in the previous leg but were not eliminated. Instead, they must arrive 1st in this leg or they will be given 30-minute time penalty).
While serving their time penalty (I made it sound like prison, sorry!), A.D. & Fuzzie arrived at the pit stop and were the 2nd team to check in. Luckily, no other teams arrive during that time and Ida & Tania were the 3rd team to check in at the pit stop. Amazing! Way to go girls! The 4th team to arrive were Sam & Vince while the 5th and last team to arrive was Henry & Bernie. Therefore, Henry & Bernie were eliminated from the race.
Shocking rite? I always thought that Henry & Bernie was one of the strongest team in this race. The other team would be Geoff & Tisha but you didn't quite see it at first because of the constant tension between them. But now with the improving relationship and stress-control between the couple, Geoff & Tisha were getting stronger. Congratulations to both of them for coming in 1st at the pit stop for 2 consecutive time.
I'm happy and ecstatic that Tania & Ida were still in the race. I'm impressed by their determination. I'm also impressed with A.D & Fuzzie that they managed to come this far (which proves that you don't have to be physically fit to be in this race - maybe I should apply for TARA 4!). I'm sad and shocked that Henry & Bernie were eliminated. I had this kind of heavy feeling in my chest when I watched that scene. So painful.... Well Geoff & Tisha, this race might just be yours.
To Henry & Bernie, as a Malaysian, I'm very proud of your achievement and determination in this race. You guys have really done it well. Cheers to the effort!
P/S: Forgot to mention that I'm impressed with Vince too. He carried 2 fishes, which means he had about 40kg on his shoulders at 1 time. He's a Hulk!
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