This race is crazy or what?
Nothing is impossible in TARA. From 1st you can ended up last. From happy couple to struggling-to-keep-the-relationship couple. You can also get bad luck continuously but arrive 1st at the pit stop, or you can get bad luck continuously where you can't even complete a task.
In the 5th leg of the race, teams started off from Taipei City Hall Square and headed to Sony Style Store in Sogo for their task. They must find the correct disc from the 1,000 Blu-ray disc to get their next clue. Some teams were lucky to have found the disc in a short time but others spent hours and hours to find it. Sam & Vince found the disc 1st and got their next clue and Fast Forward task. They decided to check the Fast Forward and surprised to find out that they would required to have a tattoo each. But, for the sake of the race, they did the task, the one and only Fast Forward in this race. Because of that, Sam & Vince became the 1st team to arrive at the pit stop which was at the Taiwan Astronomical Museum.
Other teams made their way to the Taiwan Coal Mine Musuem and faced with a Roadblock. A member from the team must dig out 100 kg of coal for a souvenir. It got pretty hard and frustating because they didn't know what they were digging for. Finally, they found the souvenir, The Amazing Race silver coin, and got their next clue which was a Detour.
In Detour, teams must choose between Pick or Pail. In Pick, teams must drive to a local mall in Taipei and retrieve 3 soft toys from a game machine. While in Pail, teams must head to the Grand Tong Temple and collect a bucket of water. Then they must cart the bucket up the hill and deliver it to a monk. All the teams chose Pick while only Ida & Tania chose Pail.
All the teams then proceeded to the pit stop with Henry & Bernie in 2nd place, A.D. & Fuzzie 3rd, Geoff & Tisha 4th and Ida & Tania 5th. Mai & Oliver, who still haven't got the right Blu-ray disc at the Sony Style store, were forced to leave without completing the task as the mall was closing. With the clue, they got a help from a taxi driver to guide them to the coal mine. But bad luck struck again as the taxi brokedown halfway on the road. They decided to sleep in the car and completed the task the next morning. But early in the morning, Allan knocked on their car's window and announced that they have been eliminated as all the teams had arrived at the pit stop.
I must say, I felt tired watching the teams completing the tasks as if I were the one who was doing them, it were so physically demanding! If I, who were a TV audience, can get tired (not to mention frustrated) just by watching at them, imagine how must they have felt. So because of that, I salute them for all their hard work and effort.
I wonder what crazy things would happen in the 6th leg of the race.
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