Senin, 22 Desember 2008

Silent Hill Homecoming: The 'worst' in the series?

Is it true that Silent Hill Homecoming, the latest game in the franchise, is the worst game so far in the series? It's a hard question to answer, for me at least. But for those who had already played this game, I bet you already have the answer. From what I've noticed, this game got quite low marks from critics, and definitely lower compared to the other games in the series.

I don't understand, is it that bad? I mean, it looks quite good in the trailer. And from the synopsis I read, the story is quite compelling too. Well, I know reading the story is totally different than playing the game but at least it should reflect on how well the plot is in adding to the mystery of the whole premise of Silent Hill background story.

I'm a regular visitor to IGN so I had made a comparison between the score for Silent Hill Homecoming and the other games in the series. As expected, Silent Hill Homecoming scored the lowest mark than the rest of the games (please note that I had only compared the games for the PlayStation platform). Why? Is it because the formerly Japanese made franchise had been Westernized by the American developer? Or is it because the story is predictable (as some of the fans claimed) and lack the horror it once had? I guess I would never know until I play the game, which is unlikely to happen in the near future (or maybe forever!). :-(

Here's the scores for Silent Hill games from IGN reviews;

Silent Hill - 9 / 10

Silent Hill 2 - 9 / 10

Silent Hill 3 - 8.8 / 10

Silent Hill 4: The Room - 8 / 10

Silent Hill: Origins - 7 / 10

Silent Hill: Homecoming - 6.7 / 10

It looks like the scores are getting lower and lower. Not a good sign. I really hope this game can survive because it's a great franchise.

Here's the intro movie of Silent Hill Homecoming. I hope you guys enjoy it because I still believe this game is good, no matter what people said. ;-P

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