YuYu Hakusho Vol. 9 starts off with the result of Yuusuke Vs Zin the wind master. Who won it? The host announced that Yuusuke was the winner but the organizer has a dirty trick up his sleeve. He claimed that Yuusuke was out of the borders far too long and the host count was too slow. So it was a tie.
It seemed like Team Urameshi had lost because Yuusuke and Kurama were defeated and Hiei and Mask were detained for so-called injuries. And all the fighters in Team Masho had lost except one, their leader Risho. So it means that Team Masho won right? Wrong! They forgot about Kuwabara! He was unconscious before but now he was awake and ready to fight. He was badly injured from the previous fights (between Team Dr. Ichigaki) but he insisted to continue the last match because he was their only hope. He can't even use his aura-infused sword and almost lost to Risho. But he didn't give up and kept on standing back after beaten to the ground. Then, something happened. He spotted Yukina (his crush!) in the crowd and hit Risho so hard he was thrown away from the fighting arena. It was indeed the power of love (the scene was funny and I had fun reading it). And so Team Urameshi will enter the semi-final of the Dark Tournament.
For those who have been reading YuYu Hakusho, you guys should know about the egg right? In the beginning of the series, Koenma, the son of the spirit realm ruler, gave an egg to Yuusuke. It fed on Yuusuke's spirit energy and will eventually hatch into a spirit beast and will take form based on the energy that it had consumed. If Yuusuke had bad evil energy, it will hatch into a monster (that what Botan was afraid of). And the egg hatched in this volume! And it turned out to be a cute bird-like creature. So Yuusuke didn't have bad spirit energy afterall. They named it Pu.
Then, back to business. Mask called Yuusuke to a secluded place and revealed herself, she was Genkai! She passed on her spirit energy to (her successor) Yuusuke but the spirit energy was too powerful and Yuusuke's body started trembling and bleeding. If Yuusuke can survive this, he will have the power but if he don't, he will die. It's more like a gamble to me. But they had no other choice, Genkai was old and she needs to pass on her power. Furthermore, in his current state, Yuusuke would never win against Toguro.
The semi-final day arrived. With Yuusuke still struggling (and suffering) with his new power, and Genkai waiting for him, the rest of the team members went to the stadium to begin the fight. This time they will face Team Otogi Ura. It's 3 Vs 5, can they win this?
Hiei fought in the first 2 fights. The 1st one against Makin Taro was quick, but he struggled in the 2nd match against Kuromomo Taro but managed to win it too. The 3rd round was between Kurama (yay!) and Urashima Ura. Urashima tricked Kurama and used an evil device to produce smog to turned him into a baby and kill him. Fortunately the smog turned Kurama into his former self (before he infused himself into a human body and became a human), the infamous thief Fox Demon Kurama!!!
Urashima Ura was in deep trouble. We will find out what happen to him in YuYu Hakusho Volume 10. Overall, this volume had a lot of good fight scenes and my favourite in this volume is the match between Hiei and Kuromomo Taro. Hiei had such great techniques! But will they survive this round? Until next review....
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